Advocating With Influencers

The rise of social media transformed influencer marketing from celebrity endorsements (think: Beyonce and Pepsi) to ordinary people. 92% of us trust recommendations from family, friends and influencers – giving influencer campaigns 11x the ROI of typical digital marketing.

Incorporating influencers into your next advocacy campaign can help humanize your issue, increase awareness and expand your overall reach. Below are a few ways to integrate influencers into your advocacy efforts.

Social Media
Social media has become synonymous with influencers. Search for users already sharing stories related to or discussing your topic area. Once you identify users, reach out, share your message and encourage them to promote your talking points, infographics and call to action.

Capturing testimonials of those connected to and who feel comfortable talking about your issue can help humanize the campaign. These narratives can serve as the basis for opinion pieces, outreach to elected officials and digital campaigns.

Reporter Outreach
There’s nothing as powerful as a compelling story. While experts provide essential background information for reporters, influencers create a narrative hook that turns the topic into a compelling story.

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