Mach 1’s Summer Reading List 2023

After a long and busy spring, our team is excited to splash into summer! While we’re still working hard during the week, days that end at the pool or floating the river just hit different. This year, our firm is thrilled to share our first-ever Summer Reading List: books we have recently read with a goal to inspire, motivate or change our way of thinking and working for the better.

Let’s dive in:

BIG MAGIC by Elizabeth Gilbert

Mach 1 Reader: Katherine McLane

“I’m a novel addict and don’t read that much nonfiction but Big Magic has been a fast and inspiring read for me. Described as a guide to creative living beyond fear, the book shares Gilbert’s generative process and empowers readers to embrace their own creative endeavors, whatever they may be. Big Magic has supported my efforts to think outside the box for our firm and its growth – are there other lines of business we could explore, for example? So often, we set our creative impulses aside due of lack of time and internally categorize them as frivolous; when actually, they may be what make our lives joyful and productive.”

THE 4-HOUR WORKWEEK by Tim Ferriss

Mach 1 Reader: Alice Claiborne 

“As a working mom of two littles, I am always searching for the most efficient way of doing anything, which is why I enjoyed my read of “The 4-Hour Workweek” by Tim Ferriss. While many of us won’t escape the 9-5 gig like Ferriss, he outlines key concepts we can apply to trim the grind and allow you to do more of what we love in our careers. A big takeaway from this book was how to block / schedule your workday. Time blocking stops the hopping between emails, projects, meetings and calls and allows more uninterrupted focused time on projects. No matter where you are in your career, Ferriss offers concepts you can easily apply to your life to let you be the most efficient and best you.”


Mach 1 Reader: Mary Bell Love

“The Subtle Art of Not Giving” a F*ck by Mark Manson was an absolute game changer for me as a self-proclaimed perfectionist who often gives too many f*cks. This book delivers a hilarious slap in the face to conventional self-help advice, telling us to embrace discomfort by letting go of lesser priorities and, instead, being laser-focused on what truly matters. It’s helped me learn to let go of the unnecessary worries that often hold me back and embrace a more authentic approach to life. Plus, Manson’s wit and clever writing will make you laugh out loud. This book is an absolute must-read!”

CULTISH by Amanda Montell

Mach 1 Reader: Talan Tyminski

“In a serendipitous collision of my affinity for true crime podcasts and my inner communications nerd, I stumbled upon a not-so-classical choice for my summer reading: “Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism” by Amanda Montell. Brace yourself for a linguistic journey that ingeniously links the rhetoric of infamous cults like Heaven’s Gate to the cunning marketing maneuvers of titans like Lululemon and Apple, the inexplicable surge of MLM madness and even the enigmatic realm of social media influencers. Montell skillfully unravels a pattern that challenges our perceptions of fanaticism and highlights the surprising parallels between seemingly distinct realms of persuasion.”


Mach 1 Reader: Maggie Glynn

“This book is an absolute game-changer for nailing that work/life balance, especially when you work from home. I’ll be honest, I’ll let my personal chores fall to the wayside when my work week gets busy, and when it all piles up, it can be overwhelming to even know where to start. That’s why I read “Unclutter Your Life in One Week” by Erin Rooney Doland. She offers excellent advice and exercises to simplify your life, including easy routines for laundry and zone cleaning. It gives you a place to start with clear roadmaps, whether you’re a beginner in organizing or seeking additional advice. Whenever my home is clean, I’m able to focus more, and stress less. Embracing the principles of decluttering empowers remote workers to create an environment that supports their well-being and enables them to thrive professionally and personally. I highly recommend giving it a read!”

ATOMIC HABITS by James Clear

Mach 1 Reader: Mollie Young

“There is a reason “Atomic Habits” has been a popular, best-selling book for more than a year. The book centers around the simple concept of developing habits that achieve tiny 1% improvements that accumulate over time to achieve larger goals. Clear gives poignant examples of how people often attempt large social, physical, or mental changes to become something new — and that the reason they often fail is because they expect to see similarly large results. Alternatively, micro changes in our habits are more attainable and sustainable. I enjoyed Clear’s anecdotes of “atomic habits” from both his own life and around the world that have proven themselves with impressive results and his explanation of the mental shift that is necessary to make a habit not just something you do but a part of your identity. I have used this advice to implement the tiniest of changes — from my morning routine with the kids, to how I work through checklists, to doing one kitchen chore before bed — and have noticed improvements in my focus, patience and overall happiness.”

DESIGNING YOUR LIFE by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans

Mach 1 Reader: Dylan MacInerney

“My wife turned me onto “Designing Your Life; after overcoming some initial skepticism, I found it to be a refreshing and practical guide to creating a more well-rounded, fulfilling and enjoyable life. Through their unique approach, the authors combine analytic and innovative thinking techniques to apply design principles often used by engineers to personal growth and career development. With insightful exercises and inspiring anecdotes, the book provides valuable tools for exploring multiple possibilities and making informed decisions. Whether you’re navigating a career change or seeking more meaning in your life, this book offers a blueprint for designing a life that aligns with your passions and values. It’s a must-read for self-help enthusiasts like myself or anyone seeking a purposeful and well-lived life!”

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